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You can also have a fireplace in a flat

There is perhaps no greater romance than a winter evening with the flaming fire in the fireplace. Do you have a chimney, or do you live in a panel house? But it does not matter. You can also enjoy a pleasant atmosphere with a flaming fire. Do you ask how it is possible? Simply – get a bio-booth.

Meet the biofire

Biokrb uses a biofuel that is harmless to health, odorless, does not make combustion and provides a natural flame.

For simpler species of bikers, biolih is poured into a reservoir designed for it, and ignites.

A safer alternative is a bio-ceramic burner. This provides several advantages:

  • No burning liquid is released.
  • It can easily be extinguished.
  • Flame intensity can be regulated.
  • There are no impurities during combustion, so regular maintenance is not necessary.

You can find different types of design. Biofire walls are the most popular. But there is also a choice of freestanding fireplaces that create a very impressive dominant of the entire interior. Biofuels also differ in price, which depends mainly on the size of the biofire

Where to place the biofuel

Because biofuels do not need a chimney for their operation, there are more and more supporters. When burning biomass, carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct, so it is not advisable to place the bikers in small rooms, and a sufficient supply of oxygen and regular ventilation is needed.

Can it be used as a heater?

Biofireplaces are mainly used as aesthetic and design add-on that will provide a pleasant atmosphere. They can not be used as a classic source of heat. They can, however, increase the room temperature by several degrees, mainly depending on the power technology.

The calorific value indicates the size of the burner. The larger the volume, the higher the heat. They are not intended for lasting use, but can be used as an additional resource for a shorter period of time.